Fine Antique Silver & Objects of Vertu

No. W032
18th Century Dutch Silver 'Eliezer’s Challenge' Large Table Snuff/Tobacco Box
Maker's mark a "Heart & Crescent"
Schoonhoven 1767
Length 6.2" (15.5cm); Weight 6.4 troy oz (199g)
Price £2,850.00
Notes & Condition Report
The lid is embossed with the biblical scene of Eliezer’s Challenge
Abraham sent Eliezer off with the task of finding a suitable wife for his son Isaac
But how could Eliezer be sure that the woman he chose would measure up to the standards of the saintly Isaac?
So he came up with a plan, and hence the famous ‘camel test’ was devised.
After his long travels, Eliezer would ask a young maiden for a sip of water
and if she offered to provide water for his camels as well, she would be the one!
The base is embossed with two 18th century scenes:
One with two men fishing and the other with a couple courting
A lovely tactile box
Good marks
Excellent condition
Without damage or repair
